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Color of the month! Precious Minerals 065 (January)

$ 9.95
$ 15.00

Color of the month! Precious Minerals 065 (January)

$ 9.95
$ 15.00
  • pm065

Every month we will have a Special color on sale!

January is precious minerals gel polish 065, the most amazing nude gel polish color  ever !~ 

PRECIOUS MINERALS is a line of special effect glitter and metallic shades you will not find anywhere else in the world! 

Fast Application

  • Apply it just like polish and be rewarded with richer, more even color.
  • Cures in 30 seconds in an LED lamp and in 2 minutes in a traditional UV lamp.


  • The gel polish stays on nails for up to 3 weeks with no chipping or peeling, and soaks completely off in only 10 minutes.
  • Even with such a natural look, these gel polishes are long lasting and remain shiny between treatments.


  • It is packaged in an easy to use bottle instead of a jar, with easy to spot color on the cap; the color is true to the bottle because the cap is hand filled with the same gel.
  • Stable viscosity until the last application.

Luxuries Colors

  • No unevenness on coloration, brilliant luxury color, for a beautiful finish.
  • Separation of ingredients does not occur, churning or mixing is unnecessary and there is no wasted gel.


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